An equality index of 91 out of 100

Wednesday 11 March 2020 - 10:00 - Communication

FFF achieves a gender equality index of 91 out of 100 for the year 2019.

Under Law n°2018-771 of September 5, 2018, companies with more than 50 employees are obliged to calculate and communicate an index of professional equality between men and women. This index is calculated in the form of a score out of 100, based on five criteria. What is the objective? To reduce and eliminate pay gaps between men and women within the company.

For 2019, the FFF thus obtains a score of 91 out of 100, an increase of 11 points over the previous year (80 out of 100). This is the result of a proactive policy of parity and equality between men and women within the FFF company, under the presidency of Noël Le Graët since 2011.


CRITERIA 1- Pay gap between women and men, calculated on the basis of the average pay of women compared to that of men, by age group and category of equivalent positions. ► RESULT: 36/40

CRITERIA 2 - Differences in individual increment rates between women and men, excluding promotion. ► RESULT: 20/20

CRITERIA 3 - Differences in promotion rates between women and men. ► RESULT: 15/15

CRITERIA 4 - Percentage of women who received an increase upon return from maternity leave. ► RESULT: 15/15

CRITERIA 5 - Number of employees of the under-represented sex among the ten employees with the highest pay in the enterprise. ► RESULT: 5/10