Executive Committee and general assembly

The executive committee

Philippe DIALLO : President
Laura GEORGES : General Secretary
Aline RIERA : Treasurer
Jean-Michel AULAS : Member
Éric BORGHINI : Member
Albert GEMMRICH : Member
Hélène SCHRUB : Member
Marc KELLER : Member
Philippe LAFRIQUE : Member
Pascal PARENT : Member
Claude DELFORGE : Member
Alexandre GOUGNARD : Member
Vincent NOLORGUES : President of the Amateur Football League
Vincent LABRUNE : President of the Professional Football League




Composed of 14 members (12 elected and 2 ex officio) including four women, the Executive Committee directs, manages, administers and supervises all activities of the French Football Federation. It initiates action plans in the interest of elite and amateur French football. It has the power to make decisions on all matters (see Article 1 of the statutes) that do not fall expressly within the powers of another body (LFP, etc.) and shall act on all matters of greater interest to football and any case not falling under the statutes or regulations.

System of Election


The Executive Committee’s 12 members elected by secret ballot and absolute majority (closed list) at the Federal Assembly, serve four years. These elections are held on the basis of "one man, one project, one team".  Each candidate must file their candidature at least 30 days before the election and have been a member of the FFF for at least 6 months. The last election took place in March 2021.

The federal assembly

The federal assembly



Federal Assembly members elect members of the Executive Committee, the High Authority of Football and the Executive Board of the Amateur Football League (including the President).


The other powers of the Assembly concern in particular the definition, orientation and control of the general policy of the FFF, the amendment of federal texts such as the statutes, the financial regulations, the general regulations or those of national competitions.


The club representatives elected each season by the general assemblies of the federal and regional bodies make up the FFF's Federal Assembly.



The Federal Assembly is made up of two delegations: one representing amateur clubs and the other representing professional clubs. 


Election Process


Each season, amateur clubs appoint a representative who must have been a member of the club for at least 6 months. The club’s representatives then meet in the General Council of the Federal bodies or the Regional Leagues to elect their delegation. This two-round multi-member majority vote is held by secret ballot no later than 30 days before the Winter Federal Assembly. The Regional Leagues shall submit their lists of delegates within 10 days of their General Assembly. The professional clubs of League 1, League 2 or National 1 are represented by their President or, in case of impediment, a designated person from the list of authorised persons sent by the club to the LFP.